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In this kind of work, we emphasize individual accountability in regards to health and we offer new methods that empower life itself instead of limiting ourselves to "fixing" people. If you were diagnosed or labeled with an illness or symptom, and you do not know that you have a choice, then, you get attached to that belief limiting your reality. Only, when you are offered another possibility and you accept it, then your body-mind responds to that new possibility.
Einstein affirmed that a problem can not be solved in the same level of thought that created it. In the same way, we can not change a reality if we are in the same level of consciousness that gave birth to it. The focus of the work is to offer the opportunity for an expansion in consciousness in the present time so that Health can emerge.
"To find health should be the objective of the doctor, any one can find illness". Dr. A.T. Still
Please keep in mind that what has brought you to where you are, "the symptom or illness", did not appear yesterday. It is rather years of undigested life experiences that could have begun from conception time. It would be unrealistic to pretend to resolve your symptoms in just a few sessions. The work is so deep that you may not perceive changes on a superficial or on the physical level at first; the change begins from deep inside out. We ask you to trust the work and the healing process will blossom from that trust.
What is Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy?
It is a non-invasive, subtle and profound therapy that invites us to connect to our true essence, where Life and Health continuously express themselves in the form of vibrations.
This therapy acknowledges the healing potency of the vital force that organizes, balances and supports the individual. The same intelligent force that manifests in Nature.
This potency is expressed in the body in rhythmic and subtle micro movements detectable by trained and sensitive hands. The focus of this work is to listen, accompany and facilitate the natural process of the healing potency allowing the person to re-establish the equilibrium between body, mind and spirit so that Health can re-emerge.
Who can benefit?
Inner silence and profound relaxation are the initial benefits that one can obtain from this therapy. However, the practice, has demonstrated enormous results in the treatment of many chronic conditions related to the nervous system and the excess physical or emotional stress.
It is important to mention that healing occurs on a psychological, emotional and spiritual level as well as on the physical one. It is for this reason that when the transmutation process occurs, the consultant enters a "state of grace", where the feeling of being separate pauses and is replaced by a delicious sense of well-being, surrounded by peace and infinite love.
Even though best results can be seen after a few sessions, a substantial improvement can appear after the first visit.
Some conditions that improve with the therapy are: migraines, chronic fatigue, gastritis, colitis, infertility, insomnio, allergies, loss of memory, tinnitus, loss of balance, depression, grief, panic attacks, injuries caused by falls, muscular pains, sciatica, among others
This therapy is so gentle and safe that is appropriate for all people of all ages, from elders to children and babies. It is also beneficial during pregnancies, postpartum, after an operation, an accident and under fragile conditions.
Its Origen
Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (1818-1971) founder of the osteopathy work was convinced that all the resources necessary to regulate and maintain health were inherent to the body.
"Know your anatomy and physiology but when you put your hands on a patient never forget that a soul dwells in it." Dr. A.T. Still
During his last year of osteopathy at the beginning of the twentieth century, a student and disciple of Still, William Garner Sutherland had an amazing revelation: he observed that the cranial bones could easily separate and that this should be to allow a sort of respiratory movement. This kind of thought was contrary to what was being taught in the western world where the belief was that in an adult these bones were fused together.
Southerland began studying the movements of these bones and their effect in the rest of the body. He began experimenting with his own body and he learned that the restriction of the movement in the cranial bones led to symptoms like headaches, disorientation and lack of well being. In this way, he confirmed that these bones did move and that this movement had a very important physiological function. Southerland dedicated his next 50 years exploring the meaning of this movement.
He understood that he was studying an involuntary respiratory system of the tissues important for the maintenance of health. He perceived that all cells in the body need to express a rhythmic "breathing" to best function. He also discovered that this subtle movement can be felt by sensitive hands.
Southerland discovered an interdependent system formed by the cranial bones, the membranes, the cerebral fluid and the sacral bone. This fluid and tissues in the middle of the organism express a rhythmic and subtle interdependent movement. No muscle is responsible for this. He concluded that this movement is caused by an inherent life force he called the Breath of Life. He dedicated the rest of his life to work with this force thru observation, listening and contact. This radical change in his work gave birth to the biodynamic model of the cranial sacral work.
The cerebral spinal fluid, Southerland concluded, was the main vehicle for the expression and distribution of the potency of the Breath of Life in the body and the carrier of Health itself.
We consider that health is determined by the ability of the Breath of Life to flow freely thru the body. Southerland focused his attention directly on the potency of the breath of life in a therapeutic way. He observed that if the expression of this force can be facilitated consequently health is restored. Doctors like Rollin Becker, James Jealous and Franklyn Sills have continued the investigation in the operation of these natural laws governing our health.
What is a session like?
The patient lies fully dressed face up on the massage table. The therapist standing or sitting next to the patient rests softly her hands on different parts of the body. The therapist allows the tissues to unveil and reveal their inertia. We focus on the inherent movement of the body, rhythms, fluids and tissues. This profound listening to the body connects us with the dynamic stillness in the center of our being. Authentic transformation can only be born from this place. We do not look for obstructions nor restrictions, we listen to the primary rhythm of the body; in this way, we re establish the relationship of the patient with his/her center, his/her vital force, re aligning body, mind and spirit.
The body is constantly looking to maintain its own balance, we simply support the natural process. Our priority is to listen, support and allow so that health and balance can "be".
"Allow the internal physiological function to manifest its infallible potency instead of applying a blind force from the outside.' Dr. W.G. Southerland
The transformation process occurs when we listen to the dynamic stillness. During each visit we treat the person, it is not our objective to treat the complain or painful area. To be efficient we must really find where the "problem" is. Most times is far from the place the patient complaints about.
We know when the session has finished because the tissues are harmonious and there is a sense of continuity. The body has stopped struggling, its congruent and resonates without interference in the movement. Sessions lasts between 35 to 60 minutes. "Tissues are our clocks", said Rollin Becker.
Please remember: when you have had a problem during years, it is unlikely that you will recuperate completely with one or two sessions even though you will feel much better. It is important to have realistic expectations and also remember that there are not two people alike who will respond to the treatment in similar manner.
Contact Information
To arrange for a session please call Maria E. Vago at +54 9 11 6160 5644 or Email: [email protected]
Einstein affirmed that a problem can not be solved in the same level of thought that created it. In the same way, we can not change a reality if we are in the same level of consciousness that gave birth to it. The focus of the work is to offer the opportunity for an expansion in consciousness in the present time so that Health can emerge.
"To find health should be the objective of the doctor, any one can find illness". Dr. A.T. Still
Please keep in mind that what has brought you to where you are, "the symptom or illness", did not appear yesterday. It is rather years of undigested life experiences that could have begun from conception time. It would be unrealistic to pretend to resolve your symptoms in just a few sessions. The work is so deep that you may not perceive changes on a superficial or on the physical level at first; the change begins from deep inside out. We ask you to trust the work and the healing process will blossom from that trust.
What is Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy?
It is a non-invasive, subtle and profound therapy that invites us to connect to our true essence, where Life and Health continuously express themselves in the form of vibrations.
This therapy acknowledges the healing potency of the vital force that organizes, balances and supports the individual. The same intelligent force that manifests in Nature.
This potency is expressed in the body in rhythmic and subtle micro movements detectable by trained and sensitive hands. The focus of this work is to listen, accompany and facilitate the natural process of the healing potency allowing the person to re-establish the equilibrium between body, mind and spirit so that Health can re-emerge.
Who can benefit?
Inner silence and profound relaxation are the initial benefits that one can obtain from this therapy. However, the practice, has demonstrated enormous results in the treatment of many chronic conditions related to the nervous system and the excess physical or emotional stress.
It is important to mention that healing occurs on a psychological, emotional and spiritual level as well as on the physical one. It is for this reason that when the transmutation process occurs, the consultant enters a "state of grace", where the feeling of being separate pauses and is replaced by a delicious sense of well-being, surrounded by peace and infinite love.
Even though best results can be seen after a few sessions, a substantial improvement can appear after the first visit.
Some conditions that improve with the therapy are: migraines, chronic fatigue, gastritis, colitis, infertility, insomnio, allergies, loss of memory, tinnitus, loss of balance, depression, grief, panic attacks, injuries caused by falls, muscular pains, sciatica, among others
This therapy is so gentle and safe that is appropriate for all people of all ages, from elders to children and babies. It is also beneficial during pregnancies, postpartum, after an operation, an accident and under fragile conditions.
Its Origen
Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (1818-1971) founder of the osteopathy work was convinced that all the resources necessary to regulate and maintain health were inherent to the body.
"Know your anatomy and physiology but when you put your hands on a patient never forget that a soul dwells in it." Dr. A.T. Still
During his last year of osteopathy at the beginning of the twentieth century, a student and disciple of Still, William Garner Sutherland had an amazing revelation: he observed that the cranial bones could easily separate and that this should be to allow a sort of respiratory movement. This kind of thought was contrary to what was being taught in the western world where the belief was that in an adult these bones were fused together.
Southerland began studying the movements of these bones and their effect in the rest of the body. He began experimenting with his own body and he learned that the restriction of the movement in the cranial bones led to symptoms like headaches, disorientation and lack of well being. In this way, he confirmed that these bones did move and that this movement had a very important physiological function. Southerland dedicated his next 50 years exploring the meaning of this movement.
He understood that he was studying an involuntary respiratory system of the tissues important for the maintenance of health. He perceived that all cells in the body need to express a rhythmic "breathing" to best function. He also discovered that this subtle movement can be felt by sensitive hands.
Southerland discovered an interdependent system formed by the cranial bones, the membranes, the cerebral fluid and the sacral bone. This fluid and tissues in the middle of the organism express a rhythmic and subtle interdependent movement. No muscle is responsible for this. He concluded that this movement is caused by an inherent life force he called the Breath of Life. He dedicated the rest of his life to work with this force thru observation, listening and contact. This radical change in his work gave birth to the biodynamic model of the cranial sacral work.
The cerebral spinal fluid, Southerland concluded, was the main vehicle for the expression and distribution of the potency of the Breath of Life in the body and the carrier of Health itself.
We consider that health is determined by the ability of the Breath of Life to flow freely thru the body. Southerland focused his attention directly on the potency of the breath of life in a therapeutic way. He observed that if the expression of this force can be facilitated consequently health is restored. Doctors like Rollin Becker, James Jealous and Franklyn Sills have continued the investigation in the operation of these natural laws governing our health.
What is a session like?
The patient lies fully dressed face up on the massage table. The therapist standing or sitting next to the patient rests softly her hands on different parts of the body. The therapist allows the tissues to unveil and reveal their inertia. We focus on the inherent movement of the body, rhythms, fluids and tissues. This profound listening to the body connects us with the dynamic stillness in the center of our being. Authentic transformation can only be born from this place. We do not look for obstructions nor restrictions, we listen to the primary rhythm of the body; in this way, we re establish the relationship of the patient with his/her center, his/her vital force, re aligning body, mind and spirit.
The body is constantly looking to maintain its own balance, we simply support the natural process. Our priority is to listen, support and allow so that health and balance can "be".
"Allow the internal physiological function to manifest its infallible potency instead of applying a blind force from the outside.' Dr. W.G. Southerland
The transformation process occurs when we listen to the dynamic stillness. During each visit we treat the person, it is not our objective to treat the complain or painful area. To be efficient we must really find where the "problem" is. Most times is far from the place the patient complaints about.
We know when the session has finished because the tissues are harmonious and there is a sense of continuity. The body has stopped struggling, its congruent and resonates without interference in the movement. Sessions lasts between 35 to 60 minutes. "Tissues are our clocks", said Rollin Becker.
Please remember: when you have had a problem during years, it is unlikely that you will recuperate completely with one or two sessions even though you will feel much better. It is important to have realistic expectations and also remember that there are not two people alike who will respond to the treatment in similar manner.
Contact Information
To arrange for a session please call Maria E. Vago at +54 9 11 6160 5644 or Email: [email protected]